"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"

1. Make no small plans: Plan BIG- I think that this means you gotta plan for the future. When you make a decision you must have based on a plan, a big one. For example when i decide to stay home and study it should not be to past the test but instead it should be for the long term goal like getting straight A's for an entire school year." Dream big, plan well, work hard, smile always." I will apply this attitude to my life by thinking about a long term goal every time i train or study for something even do homework. When i train i gotta remember that my big plan is to win CIF before i graduate Marquez and even get a half scholarship.

2. Do what they fear: I think this means people who achieve great things go out there and do what others are too scared to do. They go above and beyond. High achievers do things even if they are not comfortable with out, they exit their comfort zone. By doing so they experience new things that if they wouldn't have went out of their way to do they would have never know. So by doing this they grow and become high achievers. People are scared to this by not high achievers they do what ever it takes."Let them hate me, so long as they fear me!" I will incorporate this in my life by thinking about fear everytime i do something and my comfort zone.

 Image result for they what they fear quotes

3. Are willing to prepare- To be successful you must be willing to prepare for something. For example if you are  in high school and a jr you should be preparing for the sat, instead of going out to a late night house party. This is just one of the examples of what willing to prepare means to me. If you properly prepare for something and study hard then you should pass anything that stands in your way from achieving something. "By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail." This is a very good quote by Benjamin Franklin. Here he is basically saying that if you do not correctly prepare for something then it might as well be the same as you preparing to fail at something.

4. Are willing to risk failure: High achievers to risk failure achieve something greater than that. You can not let the fear of failure hold you back from something you want to achieve. High achievers have to go after what they want no matter the risk. You have to risk everything for the huge end goal." Risk everything" This is a quote from Nike, might even be one of their best. This is saying not to be scared to fall and risk it all for the reward. 

Are teachable: Being teachable means that you are willing to learn and and make compromises for your education. This means that you are willing to go out of your way to learn and you are consistent with learning." To stop learning is to stop growing.Always remain teachable."  This quote is a good example of how important learning and being teachable is. This quote means being teachable makes you grow as a person not just as an intellectual.


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