6 Rules To Make People Like You

1. Become genuinely interested in other people: I think that this rule works so much because people like talking about them sleeves, but when they find someone who is actually interested in them and what they have to say they get attached. When this happens people start to feel comfortable around you and start to invite you to things and welcome you to stuff. This is more effective then trying to get people interested in you.

2. Smile: People will start to like you if you smile because a smile shows that you are happy and people will enjoy being around a happy person. A smile can also be all it takes to make someones day, you never know if they are having a rough day and all they need is a warm smile. A smile invites people to talk to you, you can meet more people cause of one simple thing. I know understand how smiling can affect a persons life for the better. "Life is short. Smile while you have teeth." This is a good quote because it shows that life is short and you need to enjoy it and be happy while you can and still have time.

3. Remember names: When you remember peoples name it shows important because it says you went that extra step to remember their name. It shows that you care and when you start to care about other people they start to care about you. This is how you make friends show your true emotions and people will start to lay their cards on the table."Small town people assume you are friend if you simply remember their names." This is a huge example of how something as small as remembering someones name can have. It shows that you took that time to think about them. From now on i will ask people for their names.

4. Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves: When you listen to other peoples problems they start to attach them sleeves to you because people are way more interested in them sleeves than you.  Not only that but people start liking you because when you listen to what someone has to say they start  to realize that you care about them and they start to care about you. This is how you get people to like you." It takes a great man to be a good listener."  This is the quote i chose because it is so true, it is harder to listen to someones problems that talk about your owns. From now on i will listen to what people more when they tell me something. 

5. Talk in terms of the other man's interest: What this means is that when you talk to someone that you have too talk to them about what they like this how you connect with someone. When you and someone share common interest and talk about those common interest then you guys connect. For example if you are talking to someone and you guys both like football you also happen to know that his favorite team is the giants. If the giants are playing that same day you might want to bring that up in your conversation and wish him and his team good luck." Effort is the best indicator of interest." This quote is saying that as long you try and make an effort to be nice to someone then they will realize that  you are and will respect you and like you. I will apply this by talking about what my friends like next time we talk.

6. Make other person feel important--and do it sincerely: This means you should always talk to a person genuinely, when people notice that you start to take a genuine interest in them and start to care they start to get attached.  You need to make people feel important, wanted, and even needed. An example of this would be to ask someone why they are feeling sad. Or another example would be to include other people in activities and as them to join in and make them feel wanted and take and interest in them . My quote is "Friend: Can i come over?, Real Friends: I'm coming over," This is a really good quote because it shows the difference  between what a friend ask. Then it shows what a real friend what genuine interested does and says. I will incorporate this in my life by being a genuine person in general. All around.

Reflection: I feel that if i honestly take in this message that it  can help me make more friends and help me for the better. Personally i would like it better if people like me because i have less enemies and more friends, when i have more friends that spreads more positive. Out of the 6 ways the one that i am doing the best is reflection number 1 because something has changed about me and now i am honestly becoming more interested in my friends and what is going on in their life. The reflection that i am having the most trouble in cooperating in my life would have to be number 6 even though i try it it is kind of hard to me because i am not use to making people feeling important. But i know over time if i keep at it and will then become better at it but i can not give up.







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