School Break Days

A. During the break i spent the holidays with my family. I also went to two winter holiday tournaments with Marquez. The furthest we made it was semi finals and we lost 2-0 to Granda Hills. B. Some of the places i went where Vega's and the grand canyon in Arizona. While i was in Nevada i went to two pretty popular stores on the arm and ubran which is street wear and shoe stores. C. I met the owner of urban, and some famous youtubers. D. Some movies i watched were spongebob and insidious. E . E.I played in two tournaments with the school and i seen the Christmas nba games. F. Some ctr experiences i had were when i helped my neighbor carry a table up her stairs, and i also held the door for people walking behind me. G. I read A Thousand Splendid Suns by khaled hoissiene. H. Thankfully i did not get any homework over the break by i did do finals and projects. I. I played a lot of video games during the break also.  


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