The Pyramid of Success

The Pyramid Of Success

John Wooden 

25 blocks

Block 1: Industriousness
"There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning."

I think industriousness is the first corner block of success because it is one of the most important ones. If you are not an industrious person then the whole pyramid can collapse on you. This pyramid holds everything up. None of this success blocks matter if you are not an industrious person. An industrious person is a diligent very hard working person. To be an industrious person you work hard with out being told to because you know that it is the right thing to do and work hard and silently. Even if you are the greatest person at something if you do not work hard to perfect you can not go anywhere because hard work can not be replaced. And with this success block i can tie to my life right now because in soccer hard work always beats talent because if you are and industrious person you are bound to be successful. There is this saying that goes around in sports "Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard." This is such a true quote because in soccer we have beaten teams that were talented than us but we were industrious people there the field can work very hard for each other and won. You see no matter how good you are at something you need to work hard and work at perfecting your craft. 

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Block 2Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."

Enthusiasm is block number of the 25 from the pyramid of success. Enthusiasm is one of the more important blocks of success because it is the base of the rest of the pyramid. To be enthusiastic is to be excited to do things. You looking forward to doing something good in your life is to have enthusiasm. Like if you do not have enthusiasm you can not be successful because this is what makes you do that extra thing that makes you stand out. This enthusiasm is a vitae key because without it you would just float around life not knowing what you wanna do or why you want to do it. But if you are enthusiastic people will wanna work with you people will wanna be around you because you look forward to doing things its this attitude that is positive and makes other people positive. "Knowledge is power, but enthusiasm pulls the switch." This is the quote i chose because it is a perfect example of what enthusiasm is or can be. It is the switch that turns everything around you and makes you do things better and with meaning and purpose in life. In life we are all here with a purpose to do something and we need to be enthusiastic about what is it that we are here for. Knowledge is not worth anything if you are not enthusiastic about it. This are some f the main reasons i think that Mr. John Wooden chose enthusiasm as the corner s of his pyramid to success.

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Block 3Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."

Friendships are something that almost everyone has. Having friends comes with a part of life. Because as we live our lives and try and fulfill our destiny we meet people along the way. And when we meet these people start to develop relationships with them. These relationship are called friendships. A friendship is something that people can over look or take advantage of. A friendship can have a positive impact ob your life because friends are people who are there for you when you need them to be, a friend gives you advice when you need some. But friendships also require for you to but hard work into them. You must remain loyal to your friends, you must build trust with your friends. The reason friendships are important is because friendships can help push you forward when you need it or if you build friendships with certain people they can help you out in the future. They can get you that job you were looking for or they can get you that extra bump in your career.

Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."
Loyalty is sticking with your friends. And you must be true to who you are and to your friends. Loyalty is also standing behind your friends when they need you. Loyalty is backing up your friends but only when they are in the right. You can also be loyal to your self which means you are staying true to your self and your expectations. Another example of being loyal to your self is by not doing drugs and harming your body or cutting your self. "Loyalty is rare, If you find it you keep it." And example of staying loyal is staying loyal to your classmates and not interrupting their learning and staying quiet.

Block 5: Cooperation

"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way. "

Cooperation is one of the most useful keys because this a key that we will use for the rest of our life. Cooperation is a key that we will use on an everyday basis starting now. You need this key in school because you need to cooperate with your pupils even if you do not like someone you will need to talk to them because you guys can be put in a situation where you need to work together. Cooperation means to work together with the people around you and do what is best for everyone. You can not be selfish when trying to cooperate. You need cooperation in school, sports, and in your career. This is important in a sport because in a sport you work together with other teammates and you guys are working toward the same goal which is to win. And in order to win you need to be in sink and work together and cooperate. You will also need to cooperate in your real life job because you will need to cooperate with your co-workers because if you guys do not you guys can be fired. "Cooperation is a higher moral principle than competition." 

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Block 6: Ambition (For noble goals)

Ambition is one of the blocks for success because when you have ambition you have that desire to be successful. Having that ambition you work hard to get something you are determined. When you have ambition you aim towards the goal that you have and work hard to achieve it. And if you have ambition in your everyday activities like going to school, turning in your assignments and doing items on time. You need to be ambition towards school work hard and get good grades. ''Im coming for something they said i couldn't have. ' This is the quote that i chose because i feel that this is a great example of ambition having that drive that makes you want to work harder towards something. When people tell you that you can not have something that should make you want to have it even more. You can be very successful when you have to mentality, and even more successful if you combine this successful block with the other 5 we have learned.

Block 7: Self-Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgement and common sense are essential."

Self control is Block number because this the block that you need on an everyday basis. In school you need to have self control when you are being discipline you can not get angry and learn how to control it when you do. You have to learn to control your emotions because you do not make good decisions when you are mad. Another part of self control is common sense, a lot of people have this trait but do not use it. For example some people know that smoking is bad but yet they let people peer pressure them into doing it anyways. Self control is one of the greatest human strengths ever. Self control equals better mental strength self control also leads to academic success."Silence is not always a sign of  weakness; it's also a sign of strong self control. 

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Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."
Alertness is the quality of being alert. If you are alert then you are awake and prepared for things to happen. If you are alert you want things to happen you look forward to them and you are prepared. The quality of being prepared is a good one because it shows that you have that quality that people want to see. If you are alert then you are on the lookout for new opportunities then you need to take advantage of them this helps you understand the changers.  You need to observe successful people then act like them do what they do to be successful.  You need to constantly look for ways to better your self as a person and in life in general including your education. Find your weakness work on them improve them and make them your strengths. If you do this you will grow as a person.  Alertness is also paying attention to your surroundings.  This can come in handy because it can protect you physical also.

Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."

Initiative is block number 9 because when you take initiative it shows the you are eager to learn something. Taking an initiative in something shows that you are willing to do things independently. You take charge and do it before others do. Another part of taking initiative is doing it without being told , you do it because you know that it is the right thing to do. Initiative is a very good quality that many people in positions with power because leaders have initiative if not, they would just be workers in leadership positions. Initiative is very vital to being successful because it is success block needed to be successful."Today i will do what others won't so tomorrow i can do what others can't."  This is the quote i chose because it all starts with you going out and taking the initiative to do something others wont't then that leads to you standing out from the crowd being different in a positive way. An example of this is if somebody is doing something negative like breaking a computer you take the initiative to say that it is wrong and stop if from happening.

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Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations and being determined and persistent."

Intentness is the quality of being determined and and keeping your eye on the prize. To be intent is to know what you want and to be focused on that you only worry about what you are intent about and you are determined to succeed to whatever you are intent about. I think being intent is a quality that successful people have because in order to be successful you need to know what is it you want to succeed at or what is it you want to do. Then next step when you find out what is it when you want to be successful in is too stay focused and work hard towards whatever it is you want to be successful in. Another important part of is is persistence working hard and staying consistent. " I never thought i'd be successful. It seems in my own mind that in everything I've undertaken I've never quite made the mark. But iIve always been able to put disappointments aside. Success isn't about the end result;it's about what you learn along the way." This is the quote i chose because i really feel this quote and understand it. 

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  Block 11: Sincerity (keeps friends)

I feel that sincerity is something that is overlooked and that people just ignore it or dont pay attention too. It is something small and simple but can have a huge impact on your life. When you are working hard towards something and are determined to achieve there are situation along the way when your friends might doubt you or not believe you can do it. So along the way to greatness people tend to lose sight of there friends are switch up on them. You can not lose sight of who was their for you when you weren't at the top so when you are those are your real friends and you need to be sincere with them. You need to stay true to your self and you need to stay true to your friends. Sincerity also means that you are honest, truthful, and trustworthy."Sincerity means that the appearance and the reality are exactly the same thing. " Being honest to your self inside and out and act the way you look if you have a smile you should have it on the real side too.

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Block 12: Adaptability (to any situation)

Adaptability is block number 12, you need this trait or characteristic because you need to be successful in certain situations. There will be times when you are gonna have to changer for something in order to be successful. You are gonna need to adjust to certain things or new conditions. By being able to adjust to the new conditions you are able to move forward form them compared to others who will get stuck because they are stubborn and do not know how to adjust.

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Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated." 

Condition is the ability too be able to withstand something. Condition is endurance of something. I think that condition is one of the success blocks because an important part of being successful is being able to put up with things you may not want to do. Another part of it is being fit physically and not being lazy. It is important to stay fit physically and not be lazy and work hard and exercise.

Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."

Skill is block number 14 to success because an important part of being success is the natural talent of having the skill. Skill and hard work together can take you to the top. The natural skill comes with being great. The hard work is what you also need to be determined, there are lots of skills that come with being successful but the main ingredients are the skill because without the skill there is nothing to work with. Skill is like the base of a house, you need the build then you build from there. "Success is not a skill it's an attitude." I am going to try and incorporate this skill in my daily life but walking around with a new attitude of being successful

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Block 15:  Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."

Team spirit is important to be successful because in life you might be in a situation where you have to work with other people as a team working together to achieve one goal. And working together in a team has certain characteristics that you need to successful like trust and respect these are very good qualities. Team work is when you work together to accomplish a common goal. Team work is also important because when you work together you can accomplish something that you might not be able to accomplish alone. There is no I in teamwork.

Block 16: Honesty (in thought and action)
"Honesty is the best policy." (Ben Franklin)

Honesty is a success block because when you are honest people start to gain trust in you and doors  start to open. Honest is what puts you on the right road the right side to a better path. Honesty can also mean be honest to your self and do what  you know what is right. Honesty is when you respect yourself and others.You need respect and loyalty to be honest and integrity.i will start to in cooperate this in my life. 

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Block 17: Resourcefulness (proper judgment)
 “Make the most out of what you have.” (Anonymous)

"If you have a dream, if you have something you've always wanted to do, look within yourself because that is where resourcefulness resides; and go for it. (Jennifer Witterick)

Resourcefulness is the ability to overcame difficulties you may come across when you are trying to achieve a goal. This is one of the most key success blocks because if you have this ability and master and perfect it you are bound to succeed because there will always be obstacles but what matters is if you can overcome them to move forward and ahead to greater things. "It's not the lack of resources that cause failure, it's the lack of resourcefulness that cause failure." This is a good example of resourcefulness leading to success because the ability to not overcome an obstacle is what holds you back from succeeding but if you can they you can work hard to be anything you want an overcome anything. If you have a goal and resourcefulness then go for it. You get resourcefulness from motivation and her perseverance. This is all found within yourself. Determination is another, positive attitude all comes with it. You are the master of your faith.

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Block 20: Reliability (creates respect)

Reliability is success block number  number 20 because this is what gets people to trust you and have faith in you. If you are reliable then that means that people can depend on you when they need a favor. This favor can open the door to a job opening or an interview something of that sort. You can have a new opportunity that you other wise wouldn't have if you weren't reliable. Reliability earns the respect of other people which opens the door for new things.  And even if on the court when you are reliable your teammates tend to trust you more and pass you the ball and you could start winning."When friendships are real, they are not glass threads or frost work, but the solidest things we can know.” “A doubtful friend is worse than a certain enemy.  "Re;aibity attracts
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Block 21: Fight (determined effort)

Block number 21 is fighting, dont get it wrong it is not physically fighting it is fighting for what you believe in and want to accomplish.It is fighting and not giving up going thorough the obstacles.  Fighting means to be determined to accomplish what you want it means how much effort you have and what you are willing to do to be successful. You need to fight and push your self to be the best you you can be. More you learn the more you earn become the best version of yourself. Doubt kills more dream than failure.

Block 22: Competitive Greatness
" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."

Competitive greatness is when you step up when you are needed the most. It is when you rise to the next level. It isn't just about winning it can also be about how much you get better and grow when you are needed. For example if you are in a sport and you are in a finals your team will need you to perform greater than other days for example. That is when your team expects you to step up your game more than other times and rise to the challenge. This is when you rise up and be at your very best when your very best is needed. Enjoy the difficulty of a challenge. "Greatness goes the extra mile."

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Block 23: Integrity (purity of intention)

Block number 23 is integrity, that is the purest form of good intention. When you have integrity you have strong principles that leads you to doing the right thing. Integrity is when you do the right thing because you know it is the right thing and that is how you were raised. I will start to incorporate this block of integrity into my everyday life. Some traits that are related to integrity are honesty, honor, good character. Integrity is doing the right thing because you know it is correct."Integrity is doing the right things even when no one is watching." 

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Block 24: Faith (through prayer)
Believe and Achieve. Positive belief.
Faith is when you are patient and you wait for good things to go you.  When you have faith you believe that the right thing will eventually happen. Faith is having patience and studying hard doing the right thing and knowing that the right thing will come back and happen to you.   

Block 25: Patience (good things take time)
Good thing will always to people not try to rush through everything. Patience is when you work for a long time and do not get tired and do not rush through activities just because you want the reward at the end. When you are patient you do not get frustrated and wait for things to be done the right way. " Good things come to those who wait." This is the most famous quote because it is one of the most realistic quotes.

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Write one final reflection, at least 25 sentences or 300 words, on the 25 blocks of the Pyramid of Success. Include this reflection at the end of your Pyramid of Success post. Include a picture or two.  After having completed the 25 blocks of the pyramid of success i have realized that 25 blocks can actually make you become successful if you just follow through with them. This is that type of knowledge that will help you be successful. You should pass this down so that other people can became successful with you. These are all ctr blocks actions that when you chose the right these blocks will take you to success.  These are all  common behaviors. That will determine what you will do for the rest of your life. You need to practice all 25 of these blocks to success because you will not develop these on your own this is something that you will learn overtime and that you will practice. You need to develop these into your everyday life routine and make them a part of your day.  You gots to have the desire to be successful. You musnt forget patience is a vuture.  Because i know that i can be very successful if i use these blocks of success. 


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